Saturday, December 23, 2006

"oh no, not santa's balls!" south park

we all suffer from certain little low-grade mental issues... mine happens to be anxiety about arriving late for things or being delayed en route and repetitive thoughts. now i'm sure i could be medicated up the twat for this, but i'm going to let it ride for a while longer. that's about as optimistic as i can get.

words that i repeat over and over in my mind when given the opportunity:
2 white pit bulls
de rien
dog dog dog dog.... [in the tune of "Charge" that they play at baseball games]
je pense que

why the fuck is it always french phrases? i even looked them up... yep, i even knew how to spell them correctly off the top of my head. this is horrifying since the ONLY reason i passed grade 9 french was because i was fucking the person beside me and she let me cheat off her homework/tests. what gives? there's probably more but they've been sufficiently muted from drinking all night.

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