Tuesday, December 26, 2006

"casa bonita is like the mexican disney world!"

what do you get for someone that's mildly thoughtful but reflective of their on-going love of themselves? Why, you give them a picture of them self!

i took advantage of my dad's high quality colour printer [read: ransacked and raped the cartridge printing out all my favourite photobucket.com pics.] since i found a stack of glossy paper that he forgot about. i was surprised how nice they print... never no mind that i printed out more pictures of the cat... i threw in some other ones that I'd like to frame, but lord knows when I'll actually get around to doing that.


i'm going to frame this and give it to mike for christmas and throw in a butt plug or something. wait...

YES I KNOW IT'S THE CRAPPY IPHOTO SPECIAL EFFECT. but he was dressed up as Andy Warhol so I think it looks cute.

anyways, still, i know mike won't actually read this so no harm no foul.

to andy love valarie solanis:

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