Friday, May 18, 2007

your stephen fry 'o the day

sadly i'm taking this out of context from one of my favourite sections of this book... which was a slow start for me when i first got it back in highschool. now it's pretty much the one book i cart around with me when i travel and i'm at a loss to bring something else that's comforting to read.

"there is a hoary old chestnut in the film business. what is the most expensive stage direction you can write in the fewest number of words? so far as i know the winner, which was written into a genuine script, is still this:
the fleet meets."

The book goes on to my next favourite bit where he admits for the first time he's in love with a boy. it's mildly cheese, but it always plucked at my heart strings.

"so i wrote it down that first afternoon.

i love matthew osborne

i instinctively knew this meant that everything was changed. it was not the same thing at all to write

i love matthew osborne

as it was to write

i love paris


i love pizza

so i had to add

everything is different

~ Stephen Fry Moab is My Washpot, 1997 [er, my copy was from back then]

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