change? maybe? feh.
change change change me! feeling frustrated and restless, even after a lovely move into a new place. i've recently disgusted myself by saying aloud, "i think i want to move to toronto."
thus far i've spent many, many, MANY discussions [no seriously] & having drop 'em out drag 'em down arguments with peers about how i'm really ok living in Waterloo. I hate the sad little, "aw" head tilts when i tell people in toronto that's where i live... and the dumbfuck comments of "what on earth do you do there? there's nothing right?" no, you're right. we just got electricity last month and for fun we go out to the dump & shoot rats. yep, we have lots of fun.
back to reality, i like Waterloo. i don't feel that i've missed out on ANYTHING just because i didn't move to Toronto when i could.
back in highschool, it was an endless stream of daydreaming to escape to Toronto. being in a small city where you feel terrified about being a homo and stress from being estranged from ones family fosters a dream. it's the "of mice and men" cyclical story of "tell me 'bout the raaaaabbitts george..." instead it's, "tell me about Tor-an-tah, George. will there be gay people and so much to do? when're we going George? when can I live there?"
i got in to U of T but opted for Laurier. like it or lump it, i managed to finish there and kept on living in the area, save for an ill-fated stint in Ottawa. note: i like visiting Ottawa but i fucking hate living there.
after that shit settled I found some good jobs and puttered around and really called this my hometown. the thought of leaving to go back to where my parents were stressed me out to the point of having massive hissy fits [privately] and being launched into some pretty brooding and dark thoughts. I wanted to be in Waterloo because that's my home and I thought leaving it was fairly stupid. er, stupid in the sense that i didn't like leaving.
the whole time i have faced opposition from some Toronto pals about the fact that I never moved to Toronto. Like, i was somehow living in a wasteland of nothing since in their mind there's a border around Toronto and the surrounding area is deserted or have zombies wandering around.
actually i got pretty hot-headed when people pushed me about living here and went the opposite direction of really loathing the idea of going to Toronto. higher cost of living, higher rent, more expensive to get around, more crowded and more shitty neighborhoods to look out for. why would i cough up the luxury of going out to dinner whenever i wanted? why would i decline getting my nails done because it's all getting slammed into rent money?
toronto was lovely to visit for concerts and seeing friends and my unrequited love obsession! but wouldn't want to stay too long.
present day:
at this point, i'm frustrated with work... i make decent pay but i'm sitting at my desk 2 days out of the week wanting to sob because i'm bored and don't enjoy it anymore. i like where i live but it still feels chaotic and unsettled... and nothing that i would be heartbroken if i had to leave. and... get your barf bags out... i am so lonely and sad about being single that I can't stand to listen to myself talk anymore. what I want: fat, working full time, nerdy & funny gal. if they exist they are either married, uninterested in me or living in Toronto. I'm a VERY self contained unit and don't feel like dating defines me. But it's just piling up and i can't push aside how i feel anymore.
if i have yet another friend [we're talking multiples of people who ask me so don't preen yourself into thinking it's only you. please.] ask if i'm seeing anyone, then go into the grocery list of "potentials" that FAILED, DIDN'T WORK OUT OR THEY WEREN'T INTERESTED [how many fucking ways can you reiterate that and say 'you know what? i'll tell you when anyone is even remotely interested in me] and then get the awkward, "well i don't know what your problem is" discussion i'll burst.
everyone knows a gay boy but retort, "you're the only lesbian i know!" and smile at me... and i just go, so what? i'm the only gay in the village who isn't a 20 year old university student addicted to asshole drama and minute by minute relationship status updates or 40+ married and whom I have nothing in common with? cool.
i don't think moving to Toronto will fix me, and i'm sure it'll just add more complications to my life, but i want it. i want a change. i want to be located there to make some sort of fucking connection with a fucking woman instead of thinking about making a craigslist ad to ask fat gay men if i can suck on their toes. [long story]
but i want a job there. i don't think i can go back to meager retail income but is that the point? i want change and this is how it has to go? i need to regress into something just a cunt hair above minimum wage in order to have a larger dating pool? I'm pushing 30 and now i want to do all the shit i should have done when i was 20. classic julie bullshit.
i'm going to see if work even gives a bonus this year to see if i can tone down my credit card and free up some space. and do what? no idea. maybe i should just get on antidepressants, become so complacent that it doesn't matter that i'm single forever and suck it up... but as Kurt said, "so it goes" and I don't really know what direction to move in.
Move to Toronto! It seems to be where you're leaning...and it seems like all you have to loose is the security of a shitty job that's eating away at your soul even if it's providing you a steady pay check. I am very close to this restless spot in life where nothing makes me happy and I'm desperate for a change...where even if the change doesn't fix things, it'll be a fucking distraction from the shit I can't stand right now. Save up, look for a job. In the meantime (and maybe you already do this, this is your first blog I've read, haha) maybe consider some therapy instead of going to pills to numb the pain? Just an idea, I'm no one to push therapy when I rethink it every time I have a major melt down but can't bring myself to make an appointment.
Anyways you're still young, take a risk, at least you'll stop thinking "what if"
Sounds like you definitely need a change. But in defense of Waterloo, I come from an isolated BC town of 85,000 people. 6 hour drive to get any other city remotely close to the same size. KW is quite large to me and I tend to stay remarkably busy socially considering I only moved here 3 years ago. The Toronto attitude of "WTF do you do there?" is such fucking bullshit. I live. I hang out with friends. I live life at a normal speed unlike all you unhappy cunts.
I love being an hour from Toronto. Get my fill of music and culture and the get the fuck out before it rots my mood. But hey, if you need a change, you should go for it.
You definitely need a girlfriend because your delightful personality is being wasted on the boys at Bajina. You deserve some action in return... ;)
well said! if i'm feeling this miffy about things it's up to me to start investing in saving up and giving my head a shake in terms of getting a new job.
i don't know what my hang up is, i've worked the bottom of the barrel kind of jobs and it doesn't bother me, just addicted to steady paycheques and a dental plan.
that being said, i just looked up service at the company i work for and there's counseling services offered for free. d'oh. free? better check it out.
eric - i grew up in the country with no neighbors and still miss that feeling but now i'm getting a sense of boom or bust: middle of nowhere in isolation in the boonies or something really busy.
don't get me wrong, i do love waterloo and i always have something to do, but i'm looking for a change job-wise [as she looks up free health benefits work currently gives me]. the fleeting few months i was in ottawa i missed waterloo so deeply it was insane. i'm always going to have a boner for this place.
but yeah... the idea of getting me a girlfriend sounds wonderful on paper but yet to materialize. i'm not picky! a pulse and a job! haha... whatever, something'll come up eventually. just feeling feh about it.
reading this kind of reminded me of bridget jones' diary, i dunno why. could be the whole single misery thing? seriously though - toronto is a badass place to be. if you want cheap(er), if you want more space, just stay out of the core. there are places that would remind you of waterloo but it would be closer for you to actually get anywhere and to see people. also, i live in the middle of downtown with the bf & we are each paying the same amount as he was in KW (425).
change is good! it sounds like you need a refresher and toronto is the obvious solution. if you don't like it after a few years you can always move somewhere else! :) i'm sure you'll fall in love with it.
Sabrina - funny you should mention similarities w/Waterloo. i was in roncesvalles this past weekend and forgot that I wasn't in the 'Loo for a half hour. it's true, there are little oasis nooks that I could easily fit into.
ha! good point about if i don't like it... i can [drum roll] move! brilliant! why couldn't i think of that? right, i was too wound up to be rational.
thanks for the reassurance. i think i've been in a bubble for too long and assume it's impossible to bust my ass out of it.
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