Thursday, August 2, 2007

one more day 'til Friday

natalie dee

friday is hands-down THE suckiest day of work for me. Like, when I think of Friday I get chills down my spine trying not to dread it too much, but often I just get a sick feeling in my stomach. i guess it's a nice thing since I don't feel like i'm looking forward to Friday, but still... Not fun. I'll eventually figure it out and then train a co-op student to work on it, but i figure I might as well know what's happening before I try to dump it on some other schmuck to do.

but... i do have Friday evening to look forward to. Now all I have to do is get a bottle of wine and take the 15 minutes needed to round up all my dirty laundry and tuck it away so it's not overwhelming all carpet space. the things i do to impress chicks, really!

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