Friday, August 31, 2007

"avenger! get the mole get the mole!!"

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oh i love me some harvey birdman... and yes it's long done and over with... er, right? anyway. i'm currently worshiping the third and what i'm assuming is the final season. i'd love to get this poster that's show above.

in other news i'm addicted to stupid fucking scrabble on facebook... i suck so very hard at Scrabble in real time, but i've been thriving taking a break and putting together some pathetic assemblage of a word. highlights include spelling out "turd" and fucking over a friend who spelled ox so so hard... with oxen. yes. but for the most part [and we're talking 99% of all games i'm playing currently] i'm losing terribly.

side note to other news: i hate board games... i would rather sit at the table and observe than actually play. only exception being i'll play monopoly but most people are so fucking sick of it they can't stomach playing it. oh shucks.

{edit: the poster matches my background nicely.}

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