Jeff Bridges
just a really nice pic of Jeff Bridges i found here:
just a really nice pic of Jeff Bridges i found here:
so i'm sick with a goddamn cold. this one has been especially "neat" in the sense that i thought it was a head cold and now i wonder if it was some mutant flu bug? whatever.
the main thing that's bugging me beyond being tired/light headed is my voice. anyone who knows me knows i'm incapable of shutting up. ever. so now my voice is a mix of raspy bottomed out tones and whispered little squeaks.
when i went into a health food store yesterday i walked up to the salesclerk and managed to say, "Hey I lost my voice because of a cold, can you help me find this?" and i showed her my list on my BlackBerry. She then spent the remainder of the time yelling at me. then at the grocery store i was whispering to my roommate who was talking back at a normal volume... but when i got to the cashier she started whispering at me. Gah!
how does this apply for people who have damaged vocal chords?? As in their voices aren't going to get louder/clearer... do they have to get this all day long when talking to people?? If so my fucking condolences... if I'm miffed at this for a few inconveniences i'm left shaking my head for others who have to deal with it EVERY time they open their yaps.
so i'm not in a rage over it, just more... odd that's how people react to a soft/whispered voice.
i'm fucked
i found some random-o bit torrent that was stacked with a ton of drum and bass mp3's. As for the 4 people who read this, I don't think any of you like that genre of music. regardless it's delicious i shant listen to anything rock and or roll related until the end of the weekend unless on my iPod.
just finished watching Mou gaan dou/infernal affairs, the chinese movie The Departed was based on.... I really enjoyed The Departed. i'm a sucker for cop and mobster intrigue, especially when it's mobsters that aren't always italian... [see: City of God, Gangster No. 1] so those lovable irish mobsters and the whole ensemble cast really caught me, even though it was a long fucking movie. Mou gaan dou did have some super cheese flare ups, but no more so than the perpetual flare ups of van morrison singing 'comfortably numb'/affair plot lines in The Departed. Even though I was anticipating the twists, i still felt just as rapt in the story... Anywho, loved Mou gaan dou and i could see me watching it on dvd more than it's american counter-part.
i wish there had been a marky-mark moment at the end tho. DAMN!! [teeth gritting] So good.
Anyway, new dude crush = andy lau, but that's no surprising since i always love the bad guy
ok ok... here's the good guy too. i liked Tony Leung in Hero as well... but there you go, the well of chinese movies i've been exposed to doesn't go too deep. Everyone's seen Hero so it's nothing too hipster-wipster cool.
next on my hit list is Oldboy...
i loved arrested development and all of the characters... i have a big boner for michael cera who played george michael in the show... it's just SO AWKWARD with him. Even if you hated Superbad -which i fucking loved, yes i'm a 16 year old boy- i loved the awkward co-dependent relationship he had with his best friend.
the link above goes to michael cera's new little mini project with his friend Clark. they are the biggest bitches in the universe, but that's why i love them!! they fluctuate between overly confident and sobbing in the bathtub and right on through to fist fights.
as a side note, if i had been born a guy i'd like to think i'd be a bear-like dude, but i'm 99.98% sure that I would have looked like Clark. sigh. well, i think he's cute, but more in that omg i want to hang out with you kind of way.
i can't find a freaking bit torrent for their stuff. i need to hear more before i go get this ordered in....
oh hells yes there's a 7 minute long junior boys song on this! not really a coherent mix, but just what i'm blaring on a sunday afternoon.