Tuesday, October 31, 2006

so what did you do on halloween night?

i bowled, motherfucker. i bowled.

kevin came to town and we played with balls. kevin had a way better bowling outfit on.

i used to 5 pin bowl when i was little, but that was because i was so damn fat and it was the only thing i could coordinate. apparently i was a pretty good butterball roller, but alas this skill does NOT transfer over to 10 pin bowling. I nearly broke 200 playing 5 pin after like, a 17 year hiatus... but i could barely toss the ball down the lane playing 10 pin. oof. i tried to make The Dude within proud, but I'll call it my practice game for now.

Five pin in el trash-o Waterloo Lanes, October 31, 2006


gahhh!! fuck you one pin!

COME ON! Jeez...

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